Posted on October 23, 2009


By Shaw

The TEA PARTY EXPRESS II is coming soon. It will cross the country October 25 – November 11.  There are many news stories making the rounds about the TEA PARTY. I have included four articles to give you an idea of what is being said. 

The GOP was 100% behind the TEA PARTY last summer. It has since stepped back a little as it sees the TEA PARTY as an ally to regaining national power but a threat to its own candidates.

The problem is the TEA PARTY has many members who feel no loyalty to the GOP. They feel no loyalty to the Democrats. The people I am talking about, including myself, feel the system is broken and neither party can or will fix it. Business as usual is not going to right our country. The country needs a fresh start. There are maybe a dozen in DC worth retaining. The rest must go. Its time to return to citizens running Washington, this is what the founders intended.

Unless GOP candidates are for less spending and small government, we won’t vote for them.

The GOP feels that, for them to return to power, the TEA PARTY must become less of a seperate entity and eventually meld into the GOP.

The GOP is missing the point. The TEA PARTY is bigger than the GOP. The TEA PARTY has many former democrats and indepenents as memebrs. The TEA PARTY’s views aren’t going to change. And, if the GOP wants to be in power again, it will have to adopt the views of the TEA PARTY…… SHAW



Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback Strategy



But these newly energized conservatives present GOP leaders with a potential problem: The party’s strategy for attracting moderate voters risks alienating activists who are demanding ideological purity, who may then gravitate to other candidates or stay at home. It’s a classic dilemma faced by parties in the minority — tension between those who want a return to the party’s ideological roots and those who want candidates most likely to win in their districts.

“The potential that the Republican Party puts up candidates that fail to excite the support of this movement is very real,” says Lawrence Jacobs, director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance, University of Minnesota.



Tea partiers turn on GOP leadership


Whether it’s the loose confederation of Washington-oriented groups that have played an organizational role or the state-level activists who are channeling grass-roots anger into action back home, tea party forces are confronting the Republican establishment by backing insurgent conservatives and generating their own candidates — even if it means taking on GOP incumbents.

“We will be a headache for anyone who believes the Constitution of the United States … isn’t to be protected,” said Dick Armey, chairman of the anti-tax and limited government advocacy group FreedomWorks, which helped plan and promote the tea parties, town hall protests and the September ‘Taxpayer March’ in Washington. “If you can’t take it seriously, we will look for places of other employment for you.”

We’re not a partisan organization, and I think many Republicans are disappointed we are not,” added Armey, a former GOP congressman.



Boehner: ‘Tea Party’ Protests a Legitimate ‘Political Rebellion’

House Republican leader John Boehner called the “tea party” protests Saturday a legitimate “political rebellion” that is the result of pushback against Democrat spending — as politicians on both sides continue to clash over what is motivating the growing movement.

Speaking to the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of the religious conservatives in Washington, Boehner blasted the Democrats for “bankrupting” the country. He said people are demonstrating and attending town hall meetings because “we’re in the midst of a political rebellion in America.”

Anti-spending sentiment also was heard in the uproar at town hall meetings held by members of Congress in August, when the key issue was the massive overhaul of the health care system proposed by Obama and Democratic leaders.

Since then, the demonstrations have grown to include a broad range of grievances, while drawing accusations that they are based partly in racism and fears that they could incite violence — criticisms that protest leaders deny. 


Tea Party” Voters Present Challenge for GOP

Posted by Stephanie Condon, CBSNEWS.COM

The Republican party is expected to make gains in the 2010 congressional elections, but the party’s plans may be hampered by the “tea party” movement that gained steam over the summer, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Protesters around the country this year demonstrated against President Obama’s stimulus package and health care plans, giving Republicans a chance to unify and energize its base after four years of dismal election results. Those demonstrators, however, do not necessarily identify with the Republican party simply because they do not identify with Democrats.

During the interview, Beck told Couric his viewers “don’t care about the parties, they care about their life… They say, ‘the Republicans have betrayed me, the Democrats have betrayed me… I don’t see an exit strategy here.’
